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October, Gynecomastia

Plastic surgery is not only a female prerogative, so much so that recourse to this medical discipline is no longer taboo for the male universe either.
Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic surgery operation that is aimed precisely at the latter, with the aim of reducing the more or less excessive increase in the volume of a man's breast. It is a problem most frequently encountered as early as post-puberty and can be diagnosed by distinguishing three types of gynaecomastia
  • true: when the increase in breast volume is exclusively glandular;
  • mixed: the most frequent, it occurs when the increase in breast volume is both glandular and adipose (fat);
  • false: when the increase in breast volume is exclusively from adipose tissue.

numero verde 800 43 25 15

cellulare 366 42 28 768

Lunedì-Venerdì 9-13 15-19
Sabato 10-13

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