Breast lift
Mastopexy, or breast lift, raises and reshapes sagging breasts to improve their appearance. A breast lift can also reduce the size of the areola.
Preparing for breast lift
During the preoperative evaluation, the surgeon examines the conditions of the breast, taking detailed measurements, to choose the best surgical procedure. If the breast is small and saggy, without volume loss, breast lift can be sufficient. On the other hand, if breast is saggy with loss of all or part of its volume, or it is oversized, breast lift can be combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction to restore shape, volume and firmness. At the end of the examination, patient and surgeon will choose the breast features most suitable to the patient’s aspect and the best surgical method. The pre-surgical assessment is a very important factor to exclude possible complications (high blood pressure, bleeding or scarring problems) that could undermine the surgical outcome; therefore, it is important to follow any advice about diet, use of medications, cigarettes and alcohol.
Breast lift procedure
Breast lift is performed under general anaesthesia with one or two nights of hospital stay. Light mastopexies are carried out under local anaesthesia with sedation in day surgery. The procedure lasts from one hour and thirty minutes to three hours; it is painless and requires a medical bra.
Postoperative care instructions
Breast lift requires a rest period of 48 hours and two days after surgery you could experience swelling, bruising and soreness in the breast area. Infections may occur rarely together with hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity in the nipple areolar region, bleeding and keloid scars especially in smokers. By the third day, it is possible to restart a normal life avoiding strenuous activities, saunas, turkish baths and sunbath. If not overly tiring, most patients can return to work about 7-10 days after surgery, and, within three weeks, they can gradually resume all normal activities, including sports. The result achieved is usually very good and long lasting even if not completely permanent as subject to gravity, natural ageing and lifestyle (fattening, weight losses, smoking, pregnancies, etc...).
Scars in breast lift
Incisions occur around the areola or vertically down from the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease (anchor-shaped incision or inverted T). Scars, anyway, are concealed inside the bra or swimsuit.
Who undergoes breast lift?
This procedure is for sagging breasts that have lost volume following significant weight losses, pregnancies, breastfeeding, gravity and natural ageing. If a patient’s breasts are small or have lost volume, getting breast implants in conjunction with a lift can increase their firmness and size whereas with oversized breasts the effects of gravity can subsequently undermine the result obtained.
Is there any age limit to undergo this type of plastic surgery?
There is no age limit to undergo this procedure even though it is advisable to wait the full development of the breast, reached during puberty. Furthermore, it is preferable to postpone surgery in women who are planning future pregnancies since pregnancy causes a rapid stretching of the skin that could undermine the result.
Is it possible to combine mastopexy with other cosmetic surgery?
Mastopexy can be performed alone or in combination with other surgical interventions such as augmentation mammoplasty, reduction mammoplasty or other cosmetic procedures.
Are there risks and / or complications for this type of plastic surgery?
Breast lift surgery is a real surgical procedure that must be carried out by qualified surgeons who perform plastic surgery procedures in accredited facilities. In these conditions, results are usually very good and complications including bleeding and infections are rare and can be easily healed. However, it is important to follow carefully the instructions provided by the surgeon before and after surgery to decrease the occurrence of complications. Smoking can increase the risk of complications and delays healing; therefore, smokers should reduce their cigarette consumption before and after surgery.