Gynecomastia is a condition of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men that can occur in post-pubertal age and cause emotional discomforts.
There are three types of gynecomastia:
Grade 1: mild gynecomastia, with glands enlargement
Grade 2: moderate enlargement with mixed glandular and fat tissue
Grade 3: pseudo gynecomastia, mainly fatty breasts due to obesity
The diagnosis of the type of gynecomastia, carried out with the help of some tests (e.g. breast ultrasound), is crucial, since surgery techniques vary depending on the grade of gynecomastia.
Preparing for gynecomastia
During the preoperative examination, after evaluating the type of gynecomastia, the surgeon carefully analyses the shape and size of breasts, areola and nipple since there could be asymmetries between the breasts to be considered during surgery. The pre-surgical assessment is a very important factor to exclude possible complications (e.g. hypertension) that could undermine the surgical outcome.
Gynecomastia procedure
Gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anaesthesia with an overnight hospital stay or local anaesthesia with sedation in day surgery. The surgical procedure lasts from 45 min to 1h and 30 min and requires a compressive garment.
Postoperative care instructions
After surgery, patients can experience swelling and bruising around the treated area. On the third day, after the dressing change, you can resume your normal life avoiding strenuous activities, saunas, turkish baths and sun exposure, to be avoided until bruising has subsided. On the fifth day, most patients can return to work and sports can be restarted about 1 month after surgery. Results following this procedure are very good and long lasting, as long as patients maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Scars in gynecomastia procedure
In most cases, the surgeon carries out small incisions (5-8mm) through which a cannula is inserted to perform surgery. Sometimes, surgery requires an incision around the areola (to remove back areolar tissue). Only in a few cases, with a large amount of excess skin, it is necessary an inverted T incision occurring vertically down from the breast crease and horizontally along the breast crease.
Who undergoes gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery is required by men who have an unusually developed breast which cause discomfort in interpersonal relationships.
Is there any age limit to undergo this type of plastic surgery?
There is no age limit to undergo this procedure. As said before, gynecomastia occurs frequently in post-pubertal age, and, in any case, it is advisable to wait that puberty is over to proceed with surgery. In case of excessive overweight, it is always advisable to go on a diet before undergoing the correction of gynecomastia. This type of surgery is not recommended for people who abuse anabolic steroids.
Is it possible to combine this surgery with other cosmetic procedures?
Gynecomastia surgery can be performed alone or in conjunction with other surgical procedures (e.g. liposuction, rhinoplasty, etc…) unless there are contraindications to multiple surgical interventions.
Are there risks and / or complications for this type of plastic surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery does not involve special risks if performed by specialists in accredited surgery facilities.