Sweating is a fundamentally important physiological phenomenon through which our body regulates body temperature. When the temperature rises above a certain limit, the sympathetic nervous system stimulates and activates the sweat glands, which produce sweat. The evaporation of this allows the body to lower its temperature.Hyperhidrosis is the phenomenon of excessive sweating that affects certain parts of the body. It is an alteration of the normal sweating mechanism that very often causes embarrassment, insecurity and sometimes real difficulties in social life.
The phenomenon of hyperhidrosis mainly affects the areas of the body where more sweat glands are present, such as the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the armpits. To date, all the hyperhidrosis conditions mentioned (palmar, plantar and axillary) can be treated with aesthetic surgery.
Today, surgery makes various techniques available to the patient to solve the problem of hyperhidrosis. The treatment options that we consider to be valid, effective and longer lasting are mainly botulinum toxin infiltrations directly at the sites of excessive sweating and the placement of clips on the intrathoracic nerve ganglia. The latter surgical procedure is performed under videothoracoscopy and usually requires the patient to be admitted to a clinic.Other methods such as creams, sprays and local ionophoresis do not have the same effects and may be burdened by some complications.
The simplest and most effective technique for treating palmar hyperhidrosis is the local infiltration of botulinum toxin. This treatment is effective and resolves the problem for 3-5 months; if the patient presents a more resistant form of palmar hyperhidrosis, thoracic-surgical therapy can be used, which intervenes by applying clips at the ganglionic level.The two available procedures (infiltrations and clips) can also be applied in cases of plantar hyperhidrosis, although in this case ablation of the sympathetic ganglion at lumbar level is slightly more difficult.
For axillary hyperhidrosis, the most common method is still local infiltration with botulinum toxin (duration 6-12 months), but in cases of more severe hyperhidrosis, clips can also be applied. In the axillary area, identification of the sweat glands is very easy.
Another technique available to solve the problem of axillary hyperhidrosis is the removal of most of the sweat glands. This type of surgery is less invasive than the application of clips and is performed by making a minimal incision in the axillary area and then removing the glands using a radiofrequency scalpel and a micro-cannula.
The gland removal technique is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation in day surgery and represents a valid and definitive solution to the problem of axillary hyperhidrosis.
The duration of this procedure for resolving hyperhidrosis is approximately 15 minutes.
Following hyperhidrosis resolution surgery, the patient must observe a rest period at home of about 48 hours. From the third day onwards it will be possible to shower again and resume normal daily activities and work.ARE THE SCARS FROM THE HYPERHIDROSIS RESOLUTION SURGERY VISIBLE?
No, the scars left by this type of operation are almost completely invisible, especially in the axillary area where the incision is made in hidden places between the skin folds.FAQ
Who can undergo an operation to resolve hyperhidrosis?This type of intervention is indicated for people who suffer from excessive sweating in areas of the body such as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and armpits and allows them to effectively and minimally invasively resolve a problem that is often the cause of insecurity and problems in social relationships.
Is there an ideal age to undergo hyperhidrosis resolution surgery?
No, there is no ideal age to undergo such an operation. Usually the problem of hyperhidrosis arises once the patient has reached the age of majority, around 18-19 years, and the operation can be performed as soon as the patient feels the need.
Can hyperhidrosis resolution surgery be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures?
Yes, it is possible to combine this practice with any other surgery, since the operation to resolve hyperhidrosis is very minimally invasive. However, it is always necessary to check that the patient's general health is good through a thorough pre-operative examination by the surgeon.
What are the risks and/or complications for hyperhidrosis resolution surgery?
Since hyperhidrosis resolution surgery is one of the least invasive procedures available in plastic surgery, there are no particular risks or complications.