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Pietro Lorenzetti
Prof. Pietro Lorenzetti was born in Catania on 01/05/1963.
He is specialised in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, he has attended numerous postgraduate courses abroad, including:
- 1991: fellow at Children's Hospital Boston (Harvard University)..
- From 1996 to 1999: three-year postgraduate course in Aesthetic Surgery at the Catholic University of Porto Alegre (Brazil).
- 1999: 1-year internship in Paris at various university and private facilities.
He lives and works in Rome, but receives and operates in various locations throughout the country: Rome, Milan, Catania, Palermo, Senigallia, Naples, Bari, Lecce, Cosenza, Reggio Calabria, Cagliari, Sassari, Treviso, Pescara, Bologna, Turin, Florence, Spoleto. The plastic surgeon performs body, breast, facial, male and aesthetic surgery.
He was a lecturer in Aesthetic Surgery at the Catholic University of Porto Alegre (Profesor Convidado).
He was a founding member and president of the Italian Society for the Treatment and Surgery of Baldness.
He is a member of AICPE - Associazione Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Estetica and of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
He is a corresponding member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, which has the largest number of members in the world.
He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Camerino.
He is the author of numerous scientific publications and has published three books entitled "Intelligenza estetica",
dedicated to the importance of sobriety in cosmetic surgery, "Il chirurgo dell'anima",
a journey into the world of beauty and everything that revolves around it and "Specchio delle
mie brame,
madri e figlie a confronto"
on how the relationship between mother and daughter has changed with respect to the subject of beauty.
He is a guest on numerous national television programmes as an expert in Aesthetic Surgery.