Dagli interventi post dimagrimento all'importanza della sicurezza, dall'attenzione all'estetica da parte degli uomini al ruolo del chirurgo plastico, Anna Pettinelli conduce il Professor Lorenzetti nel racconto della sua attività quotidiana con tanti consigli per chi ha da sempre sognato un intervento di chirurgia estetica, ma anche per sfatare il falso mito Che vede questa branca della medicina solo come Io strumento per soddisfare un inutile capriccio.
Perché questo podcast
A chat between Anna Pettinelli and one of the leading Italian plastic surgeons born out of curiosity about a profession that is talked about a lot, but very little is known. Pietro Lorenzetti tells his work with advice and indications to live well, live better, live longer.
Ognuno ha i pazienti che si merita
There is a philosophy, a good taste that must always lead the plastic surgeon by the hand. There is a very thin line not to cross: that between what is right to do and what, instead, the patient would ask you to do. This is how a plastic surgeon builds his waiting room.
Chi si opera, Io fa per un disagio vero
Deciding to go to the plastic surgeon, undressing many taboos, exposing oneself in the first person and admitting to having a problem with which one can no longer live is not a simple thing. The main job of a plastic surgeon is to know how to listen to his patients.
Non solo donne
The man is always a little fearful, he is always a little more suspicious, he doesn't want to say he went to the plastic surgeon, he is more afraid of the post-operative period: he is a more complicated patient. Despite this, requests for cosmetic surgery from men are constantly increasing.
Going to the plastic surgeon after the body has undergone sudden and unforeseen upheavals that do not depend on our will is a way to "rebuild oneself", not only outside, but often also inside. It can happen after pregnancy or after cancer removal surgeries.
I miracoli delle punturine
Punctures, infiltrations, fillers, botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid: getting through the miraculous promises of aesthetic medicine is really difficult. Understanding who to turn to, what materials to use, in what quantities and how far to go, is even more.
Lo specchio di noi stessi
Joys, pains, successes, disappointments: it's all written on our face. It is with the face that we tell our life and, sometimes, what we see does not reflect what we are. The registry then counts up to a certain point. What matters is how patients are, what they really need.
Ritornare in armonia con il proprio corpo
Cosmetic surgery is the only answer to eliminating large quantities of skin in excess after significant weight loss. The patient completes a journey long and full of difficulties. Tears flow copiously after these interventions. It is a surgery that gives immense satisfaction to the surgeon.
II rischio zero nella vita non esiste... e nemmeno in chirurgia
Aesthetic interventions are neither simple nor banal as too often it is believed. It is precisely for this reason that, sometimes, we give in to the temptation of prices rags and offers, without thinking about the risks involved. Why, the risk zero in life does not exist... and not even in surgery.
L'età della chirurgia
From the resolution of aesthetic and functional problems that can affect the future, purely by whim dictated by fashion and young age. It's in the middle an abyss, in which the plastic surgeon must analyze and orient growing demands of many young people, often leading them to reflect.
Un artigiano con tanta esperienza
Expert doctor, specialist surgeon, but also a bit of a psychologist and a bit of artist: a plastic surgeon is this and much more. We need to train, listen to patients, visit them, operate on them, follow them, convey trust and safety. To offer a quality future to this noble profession.